Monday, August 8, 2011

WOD: 09AUG2011

Too often, we give up before we even try. Too often we seem to set our goals to the sky and become discouraged my the seemingly unobtainable task that we have put before us. But how do you know your goal is impossible if you dont try it?

Records are broken every years, history changes every day and new technology floods the market, not because its just "the way things work", but because people try. They set out with the best of intentions and the highest of hopes, unsure if they will succeed or fail. It is that unknown that keeps them going. You can bet, if they fail, they will continue to try. If they succeed, they will do everything to stay on top.

Try something today, you may surprise yourself.


As Many Rounds As Possible(AMRAP) in 20 Minutes of:
Suicide Spint on Basketball Court
5 Cleans
7 Thrusters
9 Situps

I am expected a couple new faces, lets give them a warm welcome!

Play day. Ultimate Frisbee, Skill development (Handstands, Forward rolls, Pullups, etc) We will work though, You can count on that. This is not laziness on my part. This is just a friendly reminder that you need to have FUN when training. Also, its Angelo's last week with us, so its "Athlete's Choice"

A little motivation for you all!

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