Wednesday, August 10, 2011

WOD: 11August2011

Back to the Grindstone. I hope everyone enjoyed their mid-week rest day, I also hope that you all took advantage of the great weather. If not, no worries, today we will.

Lunch Class, Youll be looking at what is called a "Chipper". Definition: A series of exercise preformed once. Basically in one end, out the other. Just like a wood chipper. They are meant to be tough and testing. Certainly not a walk in the park.

For time:
40 Calorie Row
40 Pushups with hand release
40 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls
40 Squats
40 KB Swings
40 Steps walking lunges
40 Box Jumps

We will also be throwing a little competition aspect into it. There should be 4 lanes set up (depending on how many rowers the gym lets me snag) Groups of four will go, the others cheering them on and watching how they attack the workout. Start talking amongst yourselves as to who you'd like to "compete" against. I use the word competion lightly, its not about winning or losing, its about pushing youself to be the best YOU can be, and its also about encouraging others to be the best they can be. Don't cheat yourself, go through the full range of motion on the movements, proper depth, full lockout etc. Rock this workout!

Evening Class
Awwww, it's that time again, time to hit the ground running. Literally.

3x 400 meter sprints (Bring Sneakers Linnea) 2 minute rest between runs. We did this on the 19th of July, so pull out your log books and get ready to see some improvement!

Afterwards we will meet up back by the pull-up bars for this "little" smoker.

Squat Cleans (I will make sure everyone grasps the concept. Its been a while since we've done this.)
Tire Flips/Log Flips

Looking forward to seeing everyone. Bring an attitude.

and water.


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