Thursday, July 14, 2011

WOD: 15July2011

Top: Before Picture Bottom: 6 weeks later. Courtesy of Orange Coast CrossFit. Read the whole story at

Sit down, we need to have a little chat. See, when you step up, take fitness seriously and dedicate yourself, your body, well, it...ummm goes through changes. Sure they may seem new and weird, but its just part of becoming an healthy adult.

You are hitting a new type of puberty, for brevity's sake, I will call it "New-berty"

What does that mean? Well, Think back to your old daily workout routine. Think how it made you feel. Now, think of how you felt the day after "Fran" or "Cameron's Jacked G-Ma". You are sore in places you didnt even know had muscles Not even that, you are probably going to bed earlier, eating more, and if you are in the later stages of "New-berty" you are probably doing normal household chores "for time".

This is a verbatim conversation I had with myself while baking a meal:

"Mmmm, combine all ingredients and bake at 350 Degrees for 25 minutes....F*ck that, If I jack the tempurature up to 450 degrees, I can finish it in 15 minutes! 3-2-1...GO!"

While you are going through "New-berty" it is VERY important to "Listen" to your body. You are eating more for a reason, so make sure its high quality, paleo-esque foods. (Lean meats, fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds.)

You are sleeping more because you are working more. We should all be getting 8-9 hours of sleep in a cool, blacked out room. So pull down those massive "panic room" Italian shutters and put the cell phone/computer/TV away!

If the body be feeble, the mind will not be strong. ~Thomas Jefferson

3 sets of 5 reps: Shoulder press

Rest~10 Minutes

100 Pushups
100 Situps

Go to failure on each exercise: if you make it to 25 on the pushups and fail, switch to situps until failure, back and forth until you finish all reps. Focus on PERFECT form!

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