Tuesday, July 5, 2011

WOD for Tuesday 05July2011

First off, I want to say Happy 4th of July! It may be a day late, but the meaning is still there. Lets take a moment to be thankful for the freedoms we have as Americans.....

Ok, Let's get down to business. I know a lot of you may have indulged this past weekend. Am I mad? Hell no! Why? Because, I did the exact same thing. I celebrated American Pride by eating an ass-load of food, a lot of it being of the "junk" variety. I am paying for it today...and so will you.

Face it, we live in a fast paced world and we demand fast results. What if I told you that in as little as 4 minutes a day you could get a six pack, complete your masters degree and raise your kids? Surprised? Yea, me too because thats all false.

But in as little as four minutes a day you can improve your fitness, making it easier to acheive that six-pack, clear your head so you can hit the books and give you more energy to chase after the kids. Sounds interesting, eh?

The Tabata Protocol is an intense (we LOVE intense) workout regimen that can be done with just about any exercise. Tabata is the last name of the researcher that developed this interesting method for training that increases anaerobic and aerobic pathways at the same time. It basically means that you can increase strength, power and speed at the same time you are increasing you VO2 Max. How does it work?

You work for 20 seconds and rest for 10. COntinue this until four minutes has passed. Sounds simple? Well, tonight we will find out for sure.

Tabata Intervals:


Your "score" for each exercise is the total number of reps.

This will be a total of 16 minutes of work, as we will do each exercise for four minutes with no breaks in between exercise. Example: On the last set of burpees, we will rest until clock hits 00:04:00 then start the Squats. I ask that everyone brings a piece of scratch paper and a pencil. We will record reps.

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